Maca Almond Milkshake Recipe

I wanted to bring you a thick, creamy, indulgent ‘dairy’ filled milkshake – minus the milk. So this weeks smoothie recipe is just that. My Maca Almond Milkshake Recipe is not only delicious and satisfying, it contains the amazing Maca herb which is great for balancing hormones and mood, boosting energy as well as making you feel sexy, so we bringing yo sexy back this week and this is not only for the ladies but also for you men. I’m obsessed with this one and I know you guys will be too.
Maca is a plant from the broccoli family which has a delicious nutty flavour. Pairing it with cocoa is also really tasty!
Madjool Dates
building muscle tone, enhancing you physically and strengthens your nervous system as they are extremely rich in potassium. Dates are full of vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B5 and rich in selenium, Manganese, Copper keeping bones strong and healthy.
Now these guys are full of the good fats. A tablespoon of flax seeds contains about 1.8 grams of Omega 3 as we need fats. Flax seeds are also ranked as the number one source of lignans which are fiber-like compounds which also provide antioxidant protection due to their polyphenols. This unique structure of lignans is one of the few naturally occurring compounds in food that function as moderate estrogen when consumed by humans. Flax seeds are also great for cardiovascular health because of their anti inflammatory and antioxidant protection as well as prevent cancer.
Let’s get blending….
Maca Almond Milkshake Recipe
yields 1
- 2 Cups of Coconut Milk
- 2 Tps maca Root Powder
- 4 Madjool Dates
- 2 Tbs Almond Butter
- 1 Tbs Flax seed
- 1/4 Tsp Cinnamon
- Handful of Ice
Sprinkle of Nutmeg
Sprinkle of Himalayan Salt
- Place all of the ingredients apart from the ice into the blender and blend at high speed until mixture is smooth. Remember to remove the pips out of the dates.
- Once blended add the ice and blend again.
- Pour into a glass and add your topping.
- Enjoy!
I hope you guys enjoyed this week’s smoothie. This is one of my favourite recipes to date. I indulge with this one regularly! But most importantly is for you guys to see that you don’t need milk to make a decent milkshake. Using almond milk is far yummier and comes with many more health benefits! Let me know what you guys think by commenting below as well as if you have any ideas on what you’d like me to do next week.
Want another smoothie recipe? MyEnergising Matcha Green Coco Smoothie Recipe is definitely one to try!
Until next time…
Alessandra x