2021-12-02 20:28:00
Sustainable Style Diaries 2 December

One of my most favourite things to do is getting cosy and comfortably dressed on a winters day with the bluest skies and walk with no plan other than grabbing a Moon Milk from Planet Organic. Everything else just happens and it's just the best way to spend a day in my eyes. I rarely get those days but today was one of them and I have enjoyed every minute! I've recently been moving away from my comfort winter colour, Black lol to brighter ones. Just because the days are getting darker don't mean my wardrobe needs to right? Colours I have never worn together but did today has quickly become my favourite colour combination. Neutrals with a olive subtle green is just the dream. Spending the remainder of the day making Christmas cards and wrapping presents, yes I am this organised lol. We Use old cards, bits we've collected over the year and of course print photos to make our cards making them unique, special and of course sustainable. Along with my entire outfit.