2022-02-12 11:52:30 SUGAR FREE VEGAN COOKIE RECIPE 4 INGREDIENTS I Asked And You Decided Valentines cookies or chocolates. I handed it over to my Instagram family to decide and cookies won! I was so pleased as I was secretly hoping for the cookies as I had a healthy, sugar free, delicious and extremely easy to…

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Baked Healthy Churros Recipe

2022-02-02 10:24:15 Baked Healthy Churros Recipe VEGAN MEXICAN NIGHT wouldn’t be a vegan Mexican night without Churros! This is a popular evening event in our household and I have perfected my vegan fajita recipe, it’s never failed me! Something was always missing though…. after all that spice, sweetness! As well as the constant requests from…

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Essentional Vitamins for Vegans

2021-12-29 20:30:41 Essentional Vitamins for Vegans Happy new year! I can’t quite believe Christmas is already behind us and veganurary is staring us in the face. Yes it’s now time to refocus and get our health and get back on track. How many of you overdid it over the holidays? I most defiantly did lol!…

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Cozy Bean and Pumpkin Soup recipe

Cozy Bean and Pumpkin Soup recipe

A new year calls for a new vegan, delicious soup recipe and this one is extra special. It’s definitely one of the things that gets me through these colder days! The reason this recipe is special is because it’s actually my aunty Lilla’s recipe. When I was in Italy in the summer, she made me…

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